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why subscribe?

25% off every order

Get 25% off every subscription order

Free Surprise Gifts

When you subscribe, you will get access to free surprise gifts!

Free Shipping

Free shipping on all subscription orders

Order flexibility

Decide when you want your products & skip a delivery when timing doesn't work

Swap products

Easily swap or add products to your next subscription order

Easy reminders

Sign up for emails or text alert before your next order ships, for easy order management


frequently asked questions

can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Absolutely. There's no commitment here. Skip or cancel your subscription before your next order date.

can I skip my next subscription refill?

Yes. If you don't want to receive a certain month, you can click "Skip Shipment," and you won't be charged.

can I edit my subscription at any time?

Yep. Want to try a new product? Add it to your subscription or swap one of your current products. Have too many or too little products? Update your frequency. Moved to a new address and need your products delivered there? No problem, we have you covered!

is there free shipping?

Yes there is. All subscription orders get free shipping.

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